Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the Scientific Community

  • Fabrice Rastello was the local chair of the CGO'11 conference (ACM/IEEE International Conference on Code Generation and Optimization), which took place in Chamonix, France, in April 2011. He was also part of the organization of CGO'11 satellite workshops.

  • Christophe Alias was the main organizer of IMPACT'11 (international workshop on polyhedral compilation techniques), held in conjunction with CGO'11. This workshop was the very first international event on this topic. Alain Darte gave the keynote of this first edition [2] . Christophe Alias is now a member of the steering committee of IMPACT, whose second edition will took place within the conference HIPEAC'12 (January 2012). Also part of CGO'11, the workshop ACCA'11 (analyze to compile, compile to analyze) was co-organized by Laure Gonnord.

  • Paul Feautrier has been an active participant in the elaboration of the Encyclopedia of Parallel Programming, (David Padua ed.), to be published by Springer Verlag. He has been a member of the scientific committee, and has contributed four entries, on array layout for parallel computing [19] , Bernstein's conditions [20] , dependences [21] , and the polyhedral model (with Christian Lengauer) [22] . Alain Darte also contributed a chapter on the parallelism detection in loops [18] .

  • Paul Feautrier is associate editor of Parallel Computing and the International Journal of Parallel Computing. He has been a member of the program committee of the ParCo'2011 conference and of the IMPACT'2012 workshop (as Christophe Alias). He has reviewed many submissions to various conferences and journals.

  • Alain Darte is associate editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. He was member of the program committees of the conferences CASES'11 (Compilers, Architectures, and Systems for Embedded Systems), DATE'12 (Design and Test in Europe), and CC'12 (Compiler Construction).

  • Paul Feautrier has been a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Nicolas Pouillon (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, September 2011), and a member of the defense committee for the PhD of Bogdan Pasca (ENS Lyon, September 2011).

  • Fabrice Rastello has been a member of the defense committee for the PhD thesis of Antoniu Pop (CRI, MINES ParisTech, September 2011), and a member of the defense committee for the PhD thesis of Boubacar Diouf (Paris-Sud University, December 2011).

  • In collaboration with participants of the SSA'09 workshop, Fabrice Rastello is the editor of a book on SSA (Static Single Assignment) and its application in compilation, optimization, and program analysis. In a joint work with Diego Novillo (Google), Florian Brandner contributed a chapter on sparse dataflow analysis to this book.

  • Fabrice Rastello and Laure Gonnord are in charge of the “steering committee” of the “journées françaises de la compilation” that gathers, twice a year, around fifty participants.

  • In 2011, Alain Darte was member of the hiring committee for a professor position at ens -l yon.

  • Paul Feautrier has taken charge of the organization of Compsys' workgroups.